: Wasted some time today; Wordle 1,115 2/6 🟨🟩⬜⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

: Outdoors (Pacific northwest, Washington, (the temporarily) USA), having dinner, we have visitors. …

: The air this morning is thick with fireworks haze. I’ll be surprised if a foul air alert has …

: If only Biden didn’t sound desperate …

: Lyric: “We are the champignons of the world …”

: I’m wondering how many days will pass before Google ensures that the “udm14” trick …

: “Teenage Waistband”

: Something I’ve not seen mentioned regarding the recent Mac updates: The “Duck” …

: Current reading: about Mesrop Mashtots, who invented the Armenian alphabet in the fifth century in …

: Supported browsers for Recall From Microsoft Support: Recall won’t save any content from your …

: The Washington State Ferry system has let us down again. May 21, 2024 There are normally two ferries running betweenen Mukilteo and Clinton, on Whidbey …

: Crikey, have I been using Bike for a year? The app is bugging me to renew. I’m a fool for …

: I have dried my hands on the cat.

: “Screenwriter karma dictates that the worst things you write will always get prominently …

: Time for another Apple Messaging Failure Yes, it’s happened again. Apple’s Messaging app has forgotten that I have been connected …

: My brain is numb from trying to understand the concepts of capital, capitalists and capitalism; …

: I really have to clean up my ‘follow’ list.

: Notable fatbergs: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatb…

: Whether you follow Cory Doctorow or not, here is a good comment & set of links from Warren Ellis …

: #flamingcarrot fans — how should I pronounce “Ut”, as in “Ut! Here it comes …

: You know, I’m no longer seeing the point of all this.

: “Now is as good a time as any to mulch your office.” ~ Shoe

: I’m supposed to be retired … but I do guitar work, and there seems to be quite a bit of …

: Our cats eat a phenomenal amount of food.

: Today’s challenge: Fit Charlie Stross’s “cult-level fecundity” phrase into a …

: For no good reason we have the Texas-Washington “Sugar Bowl” game on. I haven’t …

: Rhetorical question: Where would social media – and the world – be today if Twitter had …

: Useless Expressions “I’m concerned.” “That’s unacceptable!” These phrases keep …

: So @archimage has set a good example for us. Here are my plans for tomorrow: swap necks on a pair …

: We’re listening to some Tito Puente this Thanksgiving Day. It’s not a great match …

: Good Morning! It’s 32° outside here on Whidbey Island. This morning I realize that the “Minor Figures …

: After having consulted many of the social media websites I conclude there is no hope for humankind. …

: Aretha’s “Chain of Fools” is my earworm this morning.

: Today’s substack newsletter from John Naughton contains this splendid quote: “The last …

: We’re nearing the end of our two-night stay on Orcas Island. Cold and rainy, but what else …

: Had a restless night after yesterday’s covid booster. This morning I strained my lower back. I …

: bsky.app/profile/b…

: I do not know any adults who chew their fingernails.

: Yes, I can be pedantic. Why do you ask?

: For the first cup of the day …

: I suppose if I had LOTS of money I would buy a fine new iPhone, but I am no stranger to …

: I have not learned how to add alt text to images in my micro.blog posts.

: Today (September 19) is International Talk Like A Pirate Day. In that spirit I will begin reading …

: Gimme air! Bad air this morning — Purpleair numbers are about 145 at 7am. We have a small air filter running …

: Rusticating We’re in the middle days of our ‘camping’ getaway. Not far away from home, but …

: Doing that camping thing. Ms Me and I, camping for the first time in a year.

: I fired up one of the many “AI” or “LLM” apps. This one is known as …

: For no good reason, I was surprised to find a post by Manton on Threads: www.threads.net/@manton

: Bulletin: gato ≠ gateau

: We’re dealing with this year’s outbreak of “rabbit hemorrhagic disease.” I …

: Some people here in town (Langley, Washington, USA) had to take their potted plants indoors because …

: This seems as good a time as any for a leisurely sit-down and an ounce or two of Lost Republic rye.

: For those who may have been too often married: punchdrink.com/recipes/r…

: Sunny day with excellent coffee from freshly-ground beans. I will not disturb the moment by taking …

: Preferred pronunciation: 🎶 Save the scones for Henry Jones Alternate pronunciation: 🎵 Save the …

: Ruth Mottram (@ruth_mottram@fediscience.org) has a good piece about climate scientists fleeing to …

: H/T to @benwerd for pointing us to the Mother Jones piece on Kissinger.

: Oats in my coffee For this morning’s coffee I’m trying out a non-dairy …

: NYTimes is effing with Wordle again. I am not amused.

: It’s always a good thing to take in useless information. Like this: “If the ratio of …

: We’re going to Vancouver (BC) for five days next week. Which should I take: * the 2020 M1 MacBook …

: Over on the birdsite, @matthew_d_green writes: “Chrome is replacing the ‘lock’ …

: Apropos of Bluesky and the others, Techdirt has an excellent piece on the current …

: Bluesky terms of service For anyone considering Bluesky, there is a side-by-side-by side presentation of terms of service for …

: My calendar suggests Easter isn’t over until the last colored egg has been found. #holiday

: O gawd, I just looked at the #birdsite for the first time in a couple of weeks. Those promoted …

: I’m currently reading two different things. The first is a collection of essays by Italo …

: What a time to be alive! #currentevents

: www.king5.com/article/n…

: Twitter Issue I suspect ‘Twitter’ has begun blocking third-party apps: I can log via web browser to …

: My desktop Mac mini has take to forgetting it has a bluetooth keyboard attached. This is not …

: The long national nightmare continues. I say to the people of the USA: Welcome to the 1850s.

: MarsEdit for micro.blog posts scrafford.com/2022/11/1…

: Naming your computer - a survey Thanks to @spgreenhalgh @technocrat @warner @mariovillalobos @Pilchuck @maique — great gear names! …

: I’m working up an ActivityPub connection between micro.blog and the mastodon world. But I …

: Trying to get my digital house in order. Two steps forward today and only one step back.

: I’ve been spending a bit of time on counter.social (@blimey), but micro.blog is my home!

: Q: Do you name your computers? If so, give an example.

: After only a few hours of using iPadOS 16.1 (20B82) on my 5th generation iPad, I have yet to notice …

: Dave Winer’s been busy. He has a thing called feedland.org. Signup via your twitter …

: I’m looking at all the apps on my iPad and wondering “What was I thinking??”

: You can’t realize how many tweaks you’ve made to your computer until you moved to …

: Paper Tray FTW! A couple of years ago I amazed the family by fixing the refrigerator thermostat, which involved …

: Serious question: Is TikTok really an essential iOS app?

: Alison Martino said “Have you ever, BTW, typed ‘James Rockford’ into Google Maps – try it, …

: I am wondering, for the nth time, why iCloud file sync can happen anywhere from near-instantaneous, …

: Wordle 295 3/6 🟨🟩⬛⬛🟨 🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

: “To misquote The Bard, hell is empty and all the devils are running in the Ohio Senate Race in …

: Last night we watched “The Dead Don’t Die”, a Jim Jarmusch film from 2019 … …

: I will now take a break from WWIII by eating pizza and watching “Murder in Provence”.

: I cannot express how much is loathe Snapchat “filters”.

: I stayed away from Wordle for a while. But then – Wordle 252 3/6 🟨⬛⬛⬛⬛ 🟩⬛⬛🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

: I didn’t buy enough “This is Fine” t-shirts.

: Autocorrect: the new Grauniad

: 2022-02-07. Our Wordle is not strong.

: I’m always late to the party. In practice, this means the beer is gone.

: Some time ago I refretted a friend’s Django-style guitar. Here’s a photo from early on …

: I’ll have extra vaganza with that, please.

: Today I deleted all the emails in my gmail account. In box, Sent, Deleted, Spam — all of it. The …


: It was too late to pull the batter, combine and refill into the loaf pans. So about an hour from now …

: While the timer was ticking away I started cleaning the countertop. That’s when I found my …

: The gods are pooping on me — the kitchen gods, anyway. Today’s batch of my locally famous …

: The Hitchens theme is now doing yeoman’s work here. But Yes, Pat Dryburgh and P. I. Moore did …

: TV commercials Are they still called that— TV commercials? In any case, I will be indescribably happy when images …

: The end times Here's a fresh two-part signifier of the apocalypse: https://nonfungibleolivegardens.com …

: Quote of the day: “One may cower within, but one cannot avoid,— le Bec de la Mort, the . . . ‘Beak …

: I need a Hat of Power

: After a couple of weeks of too-busy time, I’ve finally taken a few moments to link this domain …

: I’m having All The Fun trying to transfer my domain to the micro.blog universe. I’ve …

: I’m re-reading “Marley” in anticipation of the Christmas season. BUT I …

: Ooo, I’m not making good use of my “Literal” account. I hope @JohnPhilpin …

: Flu shots today for everyone in the household … except for the cats, of course. Extra …

: I’m busy dumbing down my iPhone, deleting apps left and right. (Comma splices, too.) Soon it …

: My placebos only work about half the time. Maybe they’re past their expiration date.

: This seems wrong: www.newscientist.com/article/2…

: How have I lived this long without having learned about the “comma pump”? …

: Ulysses Test From Ulysses to micro.blog … will it work?

: Time to lurch ahead! News at 2 AM.

: Currently reading “The Reactionary Mind” by Corey Robin, second edition

: Now’s as good a time as any to give “social media” a skip.

: My new life goal is to record a reggae version of “Clair de lune”.

: It’s a good thing I don’t have a day job.

: As of 5 PM Pacific time, you can still sign up for a parler.com account and buy shirts at …

: I don’t dare track the time I’ve wasted with document sync between platforms. And about …

: I’ve been reduced to reading about the Khazzoom–Brookes postulate.

: So, are we doomed? www.fireeye.com/blog/thre…

: Today’s fun reading: “A damn stupid thing to do”—the origins of C …

: Name of my new band Fritters

: Edgar Guessed.

: Today’s best phrase: “Ghost-of-Hugo brainwashing”

: Oh, look! Mutt 2.0 Release notes: www.mutt.org/relnotes/…

: I have too many projects: find my desk offload many pieces of digital hardware retrograde 2018 …

: Our fire danger index is low. We’re hunkering down for the coming rains.

: South Whidbey Island, Puget Sound. Winds are here. Gratuitous percussion thanks to tree bits dancing …

: What a time to be alive!

: Today would be a good day to bump the Mac mini’s RAM to 32GB.

: iPad crashed again this AM. I was standing near it, yes, that must have been the cause.

: Truman defeats Dewey!

: I have never mastered the ink pen.

: Island County, Washington State. Far from the Four Seasons Landscaping Company.

: Tools are tools, nothing more. If the tool intrudes, cast it aside. Move on.

: It seems to always devolve around workflow – how do you input stuff, and what then do you do …

: Hey, I thought I could get away from The Politiks here. Am I following the wrong people?

: There has been an update to the Simplenote app on MacOS. Lots of good stuff, at first glance. But …

: Our backyard juncos don’t seem to care much about the 2020 election.

: Much like the vote counts, my post-election-night iOS updates took a while to resolve. (And do I …

: The Microsoft Arc Mouse things seem a bit odd to me. Here are some links: duckduckgo.com

: Hey, it’s mighty nice here in micro.blog … there is a sanity that seems to be driven …

: Devolution I’ve had one iPad or another for several years. Three hardware versions and an uncounted …

: Apple looks ready to die on the hill of In App Purchases (IAP).

: This republic has gone bananas.

: Buckle up, folks, buckle up.

: “Always bet on the cornered rat.”

: #Autocracy is here, it’s just not evenly distributed.

: “One expects a certain institutional lag.” - Graeber

: Q: Does “Quantitative Easing” mean cutting back on wine?

: Camano Island is once again missing. If you know where it should be, you can just make out a …

: “it was easier to rename MARCH1 and SEPT1 than wait for Microsoft to allow users to disable …

: Does emacs have a disorg-mode? I think it would suit my workflow.

: We are having root beer floats in the back yard.

: The Big Bangs have begun here in Langley, WA. There doesn’t seem to be any fun to it all—just …

: The Oxford Comma should not be applied indiscriminately.

: There’s too much smiting going on.

: Today I’m looking for “Our Exagmination Round His Factification for Incamination of Work in …

: I’m only now learning about the “fourth plinth” in Trafalgar Square. See …

: I have it on good authority that Sciatica is a small college town in upstate New York.

: I can’t help thinking “Sciatica” is actually a small college town in upstate New …

: What’s the worst that can happen? (asking for a friend)

: We’re having some impressive thunder here on Whidbey Island.

: modest goals #100DaysToOffload

: Here we go. I’d like people to estimate trump’s emotional age. #trumpsemotionalage

: Thursday. Sitting in a parking lot in Seattle’s U district. The streets are nearly empty — no …

: My iPad (5th gen) is going through a ‘which way is up?’ phase.

: This rasorial behavior has to stop!

: Autocorrect to the rescue!

: Only now have I discovered there is a U S Intellectual History blog: s-usih.org

: And now the thunder. For heavy drinkers, “May the fifth be with you.”

: Thunder is here. Domesticated farm animals are alarmed and calling out, forest birds are zooming for …

: Today’s Prediction: By summer solstice 2020 (June 20), funeral homes will be loading …

: We do too much food prep and cooking. Time to turn the downstairs bathroom into a walk-in. Or buy …

: Coyotes roaming the area today around 7 PM. Bigger than we had imagined.

: Reading I was planning to read William Gibson’s “Agency” but Warren Ellis told me …

: Stove cleaning in our time.

: Rob Brydon’s “small-man-in-a-box” thing is very strange.

: Always a good time when you read Dr Drang <leancrew.com/all-this/…>

: Things Clearly, I am putting the wrong, um, /things/ into the excellent do-this app called …

: Old iPhones I have a few old iPhones – two 4, and one 6 which has SIM and is running in …

: 5th gen iPad and the Logitech Slim Folio’s batteries Fresh out of their packaging, new CR2032 …

: Today I fooled around with a mouse connected to my iPad 5th gen. Swell.

: Q: If I assume my pieces of physical mail are contaminated with COVID-19, how long must those pieces …

: I weigh 10.5 stone! And I’ve held this weight for the past 28 years. Not bad, I say. Hurts arm …

: Media Paywalls and Covid-19 Coverage Great variety of links – kottke.org/20/03/med…

: Halloween Track List I’m working on my playlist for halloween 2020. First up, that Grammy …

: Mike Pence couldn’t lead anyone down a lighted hallway.

: “It is thought that the Pythagoreans prohibited the consumption of beans, because that food …

: A bunch.app / trackpad preferences tip. If you happen to have Brett Terpstra’s handy utility called Bunch, and if you happen to be …

: mac messaging fun: send iMessage to two contactis: success 30 minutes later send iMessage to same …

: Sexy Lamp Test “One of the phrases that’s been popularized in online storytelling discussions in recent years …

: Abundant hail around 8:45 AM. Also, some blue sky.

: I'm not keeping close enough track of iCloud capabilities. For example. Today I was looking at an ArsTechnica site on the iPad. For reasons not relevant here, …

: “In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in …

: Woohoo! I have received my micro.blog sticker, along with a tasteful thank you card. Thank you, …

: The state of the Bunion?

: Today’s Ubuntu server install identifies my Mac keyboard as Romanian. I think I shall start …

: Monday morning. A pair of great horned owls have been calling since around 6 AM. They hoot in …

: The Gift of Telecaster I’ve just given a neighbor his first electric guitar. He’s a long-time 70s folkie so …

: Just watched “Three Days of the Condor” for the first time in many a year. Lumet was a …

: Wikipedia, ever helpful: “For varieties of language, see Dialect. For electrical insulators, …

: 20° f around 7 AM. Humming bird feeders frozen solid. We have been told to expect 4 to 5 inches more …

: Cat Marcel has high blood pressure. His new meds are flavor free, thanks be, so he’ll be …

: I don’t see 5.0 App Store ratings very often.

: One of Buck Henry’s many great achievements was getting the phrase “Presidential …

: How to exit VIM Relatable stories here, even if you were only on the periphery of UNIX admin: …

: I discovered the morning that my iOS microblog app 1) no longer runs, and 2) has disappeared from …

: The old iMac is too long in the tooth.


: Winds around 40 mph here (48.03030561,-122.40615238). Occasional bangs from falling trees or …

: More wind this South Whidbey evening. Weather apps refer to ‘gusts up to 17’, but …

: Dual Boot Adventures This afternoon I took a bite out of the spinning HD in my superannuated iMac and pushed a Linux …

: December 18, 2019 Today we … paid $2.799 for a gallon of gas; purchased some last-minute …

: “If fifty million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.” Anatole …

: Working title: “The Vegetarian on the Stair”

: During my last visit to B.C. I read that electric float planes were in the works. Now, test flights …

: This, for me, is great news. The murder mystery is not dead! …

: Coyotes tonight around 9:05. By our rough audio count (we never see them) there were between four …

: “The punctuation barbarians have won”: …

: There is too much to read. To be read. Life is short, and getting shorter. Time to write!

: About the origins of stop motion animation: kottke.org/19/11/the…

: I have that syncing feeling.

: I am surprised to learn the Jasper Fforde’s real name is Jasper Fforde. Yet I have come to …

: Also, cabbage.

: I cannot explain that “batch of a batch” line.

: This morning – OK, before noon: I made a batch of a batch of soy milk, which I then …

: Something something halloween

: I retrieved an old Apple mouse from my box of ‘stuff’ to see if it still worked and …

: The OS called Catalina I wonder if there is any way to buy a new iMac without MacOS Catalina. Probably not. So my thoughts …

: I’m old enough to remember when Jimmy Breslin wrote about “The Gang the Couldn’t …

: I feel I have been here before …

: I would say something, but i have an Apple device.

: My Apple devices have become agressive about updating to 13.x.x. Turning off “Automatic …

: Taking a break in the area of Leavenworth, Washington. A big wind last night blew some stuff into …

: I have no plans to be an early adopter of iOS 13.

: Beginning now, just, to get a feel for micro.blog. Thanks to (esp) @macgenie and @martinfeld And a …

: On occasions, I’m a dim fellow. Like now. Here’s a question whose answer I feel should …

: And now we return to freedom’s land.

: Freeloader!

: Charging while we can Wacky weather since 8:15 PM here on South Whidbey Island. Nearly constant lightning, plenty of rain, …

: We have a cat who is getting on in years. He has on his back about twelve years, but he still gets …

: In my fine little town near the south end of Washington State’s Whidbey Island there is a …

: One-piece bridge for my current refretting job. I’ve never encountered a bridge that’s …